Hayley Williams Vs. Farro Brothers Vs. Paramore Fans

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      I am such a big fan of Paramore so my next post will be about them again. But, I will write something different today. I’m going to talk about the Paramore’s split up. I am just really sad about the issue and I can’t get over it. I always check on updates about the band. I am always eager and excited to find out what the band is up to. Sadly, one day, I came across the news about the Farro brothers’ exiting the band.  The news was released last December 2010, but it’s still a hot topic to date. 

Taylor York, Hayley Williams and Jeremy Davis

According to Paramore.net, Hayley, Jeremy and Taylor said,   “A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday. None of us were really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be around anymore. We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy and if that isn't here with us, then we support them finding happiness elsewhere.” I got teary- eyed upon reading this!   I just can’t believe it and I really want to know the real reason why Josh and Zac left the band. I was dismayed when I read the so called version of Josh’s statement about the issue. 

Josh and Zac Farro
       According to mtv.com : Farro took countless shots at the band, calling Paramore "a manufactured product of a major label," and accusing frontwoman Hayley Williams of not only being manipulated by her management, but also of treating the group as her solo project. He claims that Williams is the only member of the band signed to Atlantic Records, and that her bandmates were simply "riding on the coattails of 'Hayley's dream.”. This was really depressing! Hayley, however, said that Josh’s blog post was a fake. But there are posts saying and confirming that the blog post was authentic. Things are so confusing. I don’t know what and who to believe. Maybe I didn’t want to believe anything about it. I am a Paramore fan and when you say a fan, it means the band and all its members.

Some of the Paramore fans sided Hayley. Some were on Josh and Zac’s side. But, all I can say is, if you are really a fan of the band, you will support all their band members. It’s really nerve- wrecking when people makes the issue worse by spreading rumors about them. They are making things more out of hand. The issue can go down now. It has been a couple of months already. The band is in the process of moving on. Be it Hayley, Jeremy, Taylor, Josh or Zac, we should just wish them all well. As for me, I shall continue supporting them, together or not. I am still a Paramore fan!