Moonstar 88: Migraine Attack!

3:17 PM Admin 8 Comments

OPM rocks!

I seldom feature OPM songs here in my blog. It’s not that I don’t want any of them but it’s just that, I don’t like them as much as I like them way back in high school. Anyway, there are still a lot of great songs from our own local bands, I know. Parokya ni Edgar and Spongecola are just two of my favorite Pinoy bands. I admire the way they write their songs. All Filipino music lovers must have known all their songs. 

Anyway, why have I thought of featuring an OPM today? It’s because I am having a migraine attack again. It may be weird but everytime I suffer from this painful headache, I am always reminded by an OPM song written by Moonstar 88, one of my favorite bands up to date. The song is called “Migraine” (Yes, migraine, it is.) 

The song became popular when we were in college. That was also the time when I found out that Moonstar 88 has a new vocalist. I love Acel Bisa’s (former vocalist) sweet voice but  Maychelle Bay (current vocalist) had me hooked too. Ok, back to the song. Migraine became one of my favorite songs since then. It’s not really because of my headaches but because of the melody and the song itself. If you listen to it, you might as well listen to one of my stories. 

“Oo nga pala, hindi nga pala tayo. Hanggang dito na lang ako. Nangangarap na mapasayo.” I have been to some situations where these lines are simply perfect. Maybe that’s the reason why I grew fond of the song. It speaks a lot about what I feel. Also, there are also a lot of people then (and now, maybe) who can still relate to this song. 

Have you been in a situation where you find someone who treats you really special but then, something (or someone) comes along and make you realize that you are not that special? It happens when two people treat each other like they are in a relationship but they have no commitment. Well, then, if you can relate to that, just turn your speakers on or get a headphone and listen to this song.

Migraine by Moonstar88


  1. yeah sometimes I feel it too, but I have accepted that all things pass-by.. so I moved on.. very nice post :)

  2. Thank you! Yes. We should just accept everything and live a very happy life. Thanks for dropping by! :)

  3. I think most of us can relate to this...thanks for sharing Pia! =)

    1. You're welcome Whrix..
      Some songs are so awesome. They know exactly how we feel.. ^_^

  4. I definitely agree. And just like you, I have this certain thing for this song. I was in college as well when I first heard of this and a similar "love thing" happened to me that would relate to the meaning of Migraine. This song will always be special to me as it is to everyone else there who have been in that same situation when they asked themselves : "We do this and that..and make each other feel that unexplained feeling of love, but are we even dating?" hmmm

    1. No wonder, that song was a hit back then. A lot of people can relate to it. :)

  5. What year did acel leaved the band
