Never Got Much Out of this Life: Until This Day by Kenotia

10:48 AM Admin 2 Comments

"With you, I'm going to go somewhere I've never been."

It was like just one snap of a finger and everything changed around me. Don't ask me what, when and how. It's a very long story. Anyway, it all just goes down to the fact that I moved in to a new place. (Good bye Bicol! Hello Manila!)

I've been away for so long. If you haven't noticed, my last post here was dated back in February and hey, it's November already! Honestly, I thought I would never get the chance to open my Blogger account again. It's such a relief to finally have enough time to update my poor blog and I was so happy to finally have a "clear head" to write a decent post today. I was never really prepared to just give this blogging thing up. (It's a breather!).

I don't really know what song fits my situation right now. Teeheehee. I just went to and I suddenly remembered this beautiful song I used to listen when I was still staying home. (So much for not being nostalgic). 

Until This Day by Kenotia. Hmmm. I think, this one is the closest song I can get that tells something about what happened and what's happening in my life. (Too much drama, eh?) 

Rough times and tough choices-- these may tear you apart. But if you know how to stay strong and you learn which in your life's pieces to pick and which ones you should leave behind, you'll be fine. Happy listening! :)

"I know, this is the best thing, the best thing for me."


  1. Good thing that you've post another content, Yey!..ahaha, anyway, I hope you are happy my dear, what you are now, where you are now, who's with you right now, you deserve all of it. :) God Bless. Stay awesome! Don't mind me anyway, I'm just spamming on your post..LOLs, just kidding :D Take Care.

    1. Haha. Yes. Thanks for the comment. Yes! I am happy where I am now and happier because I have really special people watching over me and taking care of me. They are making me less homesick... and ofcourse, I'm so glad you came too! Take care always. :*
